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About bauerzs

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About bauerzs


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4 Days Ago
Join Date
May 4th, 2015


  1. jomarkosabel
    jomarkosabel liked post by bauerzs On thread : When Will Google Maps Charge?
    Hi, I pay 2 € per month to Google for map usage. I have 3500 users per month. I think this is OK. Zsuzsa
    Liked On: November 20th, 2024, 08:44 AM
  2. dutchman
    dutchman liked post by bauerzs On thread : Expand TinyMCE Editor
    Dear Jomark, I am searching for possibilities how to expand the TinyMCE Editor (in post_content). Some of the listing owners go to great effort to make their entries appealing and ask for more...
    Liked On: July 12th, 2023, 08:00 PM
  3. jomarkosabel
    jomarkosabel liked post by bauerzs On thread : Reminder for renew expired listings
    Dear Jomark, thank you for asking the dev team, this feature would be extremely useful. Meanwhile it seems like I have found an inofficial solution: When I go to the expired listing as admin...
    Liked On: December 6th, 2021, 10:22 AM
  4. corlev
    corlev liked post by bauerzs On thread : Showcase of Vantage sites
    Hi everybody! We started a Vantage Directory Page in July 2015. We spent a lot of time and work to construct it - at least two month fulltime. It is a German Language Page listing breastfeeding...
    Liked On: April 23rd, 2016, 05:28 PM
  5. guiadelamujer
    guiadelamujer liked post by bauerzs On thread : Showcase of Vantage sites
    Hi everybody! We started a Vantage Directory Page in July 2015. We spent a lot of time and work to construct it - at least two month fulltime. It is a German Language Page listing breastfeeding...
    Liked On: January 5th, 2016, 12:57 AM