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May 14th, 2021
Join Date
January 9th, 2019


  1. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by talent On thread : menu and site title missing in mobile view with ver 4.2.X
    You're welcome. Glad it worked for you.
    Liked On: September 3rd, 2020, 01:54 AM
  2. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by wzshop On thread : Appthemes Updater updating to Beta
    Same here and everywhere. Appearantly they let users update to a beta version, which loops until they release the stable version. No idea why.
    Liked On: July 23rd, 2020, 05:25 AM
  3. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by jasongeek On thread : Appthemes Updater updating to Beta
    I clicked update for Classipress. It's updating to Version: 4.2.0-beta1 and still says it still needs to be updated.
    Liked On: July 23rd, 2020, 05:25 AM
  4. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by sdupree On thread : Ad Expiration Email Not Working
    ClassiPress not sending out expiration emails when ads expire. I have the box checked in the settings.
    Liked On: November 29th, 2019, 10:48 AM
  5. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by roald On thread : More than one country and their states
    I hear you both and also would like more details and assurance that his plugins will remain. Mohsin told me that the ownership of his company was taken over by a new owner and that is all I know. I...
    Liked On: August 27th, 2019, 05:23 AM
  6. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by ovidiubica On thread : Grey map if API Key restrictions is set
    Keep in mind that the Maps API and Geocoding API requires 2 separate keys if you want them restricted. Trick is to restrict the MAPS API by domain name and the Geocoding API by the outgoing external...
    Liked On: August 26th, 2019, 05:24 AM
  7. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by jatun On thread : How to create a full width image banner like the one in the demo?
    Where do we set that? Also what are optimal dimensions for all other images?
    Liked On: August 3rd, 2019, 02:38 PM
  8. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by ovidiubica On thread : How to migrating from 3.2.1 to 4.1.3.
    Hi there, you'll have to take a few precautions first. BACKUP BOTH FILES AND DATABASE. You should attempt to upgrade your site in a staging area first so you'll know if there are any issues...
    Liked On: February 22nd, 2019, 01:10 AM
  9. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by dalemiles On thread : Second hand airsoft trading site
    Sorry I have seen your PM I've just been really busy with work. Ok to quickly run through this: 1 a. Social sharing icons on the ad pages is done through this plugin:...
    Liked On: February 6th, 2019, 08:44 PM
  10. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by ovidiubica On thread : With text box type (custom field) - How can one filter search?
    That would require extending the current code or building a separate search widget with the exact features you're looking for.
    Liked On: January 24th, 2019, 05:44 AM
  11. hzmhzm
    hzmhzm liked post by ovidiubica On thread : Classipress>Settings>General
    The second screenshot is from a much older theme version. Some of those options are found under WordPress - Appearance - Customize As for the directory style, the homepage is widgetized now which...
    Liked On: January 11th, 2019, 11:06 AM