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About johno69


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March 6th, 2023
Join Date
September 16th, 2012


  1. johno69
    johno69 liked post by heisenberg On thread : ERROR: Please enter the password twice.
    And when a fix comes through, or a fix of anything, bold the title and make it a sticky thread up at the top so people can see it and don't have to search through thread after thread.
    Liked On: April 29th, 2016, 07:51 AM
  2. johno69
    johno69 liked post by jomarkosabel On thread : How can user delete account?
    Hi donaldp, There is no admin option on this by default however you can try this plugin which allow users to unregister. - JOmark
    Liked On: October 13th, 2015, 03:06 PM
  3. johno69
    johno69 liked post by joes On thread : Empty Categories show a (1)
    This post may explain the problem:
    Liked On: October 10th, 2015, 07:47 PM
  4. johno69
    johno69 liked post by cadobe On thread : event category dropdown instead of list?
    1. Look for file: custom-post-type-helper.php 2. Go to line 213 and replace "va_multiple_category_checkboxes" with "va_category_dropdown". 3. Save and close. That's all you need.
    Liked On: September 30th, 2015, 10:08 PM
  5. johno69
    johno69 liked post by singaporeano On thread : Are there plans to link events to business listings?
    Business and event listings are currently separate. Now that business owners can claim venue listings, it would make sense to link both types of listings so we can see all of the upcoming events...
    Liked On: September 26th, 2015, 02:25 AM
  6. johno69
    johno69 liked post by luxor On thread : Add an "Agree to Our Terms" Checkbox and Link within the Registration Page
    /* Create Terms of Use Link on Registration Page */ add_action('register_form','show_terms_of_use'); add_action('register_post','check_fields',10,3); add_action('user_register',...
    Liked On: September 23rd, 2015, 02:15 AM
  7. johno69
    johno69 liked post by shelly On thread : Showcase of Vantage sites
    Making money finally! I made my first annual sale yesterday $300 yippee :)... Made a few others @$75 recently too. I'm so happy that all my hard work is finally starting to pay off. I'm finding...
    Liked On: September 23rd, 2015, 12:44 AM
  8. johno69
    johno69 liked post by omar On thread : Length of listing name
    Hi, Please edit the file atoz_b_list_for_vantage_main.php. In line no 165, you will see substr($row['name'],0,20). Please increase 20 to your desired value. Please note that if you increase it too...
    Liked On: September 18th, 2015, 03:50 PM
  9. johno69
    johno69 liked post by dimitris On thread : how do I use the bank transfer option?
    This probably happens because your plans are recurring and only paypal accepts recurring plans.
    Liked On: May 21st, 2015, 02:28 AM
  10. johno69
    johno69 liked post by code2action On thread : Is there no captcha?
    HI, I'm looking for an answer to the Captcha question but the link to the thread is no longer valid. Thanks
    Liked On: May 13th, 2015, 07:24 PM
  11. johno69
    johno69 liked post by saylon On thread : Draggable Pin
    Bumping again.Meloniq ( and Madenza ( where are you? Still waiting for you?
    Liked On: April 20th, 2015, 05:28 AM
  12. johno69
    johno69 liked post by akeel On thread : What happened to my widgets page in the dashboard
    found the solution it was done by accessibility mode on widgets page!
    Liked On: May 22nd, 2013, 04:07 PM
  13. johno69
    johno69 liked post by gregappthemes On thread : Disable payment and use third party membership option
    Hi I am wondering if it is possible to disable the payment process. I am just setting up a new site and wanting a better way to handle payments and renewals than the system that is in place. There...
    Liked On: April 21st, 2013, 01:53 AM