Thanks for sharing @bauerzs. It is a much better workaround as it just uses existing .po files.
- Jomark
Thanks for sharing @bauerzs. It is a much better workaround as it just uses existing .po files.
- Jomark
Or it might just be an unintended glitch, but it is just good to know that it is already working back.
- Jomark
I was about to report it to the forum admin thinking there was an intrusion but good to know you have figured it out.
Thanks for the update, @bauerzs.
- Jomark
Have a happy and prosperous New Year, everyone!
No update yet from the devs but I'll be making a follow up.
- Jomark
Revert back to the previous working version using your backup while I am still replicating and troubleshooting the issue on my install.
As always, backup your database just to be on the safe side....
I'll be testing some plugins to see what I can find.
- Jomark
I have referred the issues to the Appthemes programmers and just waiting for the reply on the tickets.
- Jomark.
A fix is included in the latest development build, which you can try now.
Before doing so, backup your database just to be on the safe side.
- Jomark
I will recreate it first and once confirmed a bug I will log a ticket for it.
- Jomark
Let me check the codes first if it can be done with an "is_tax" function of Wordpress.
- Jomark
Thank you @bauerz for sharing your workaround. I will be sharing the same information to the dev team.
- JOmark
I will let you know once I get a reply from the devs regarding its implementation.
- Jomark
Hi @bauerz,
One way to do it is via css. Just put the code below in the Additional CSS (WP Admin>>Appearance>>Customize>>Additional CSS);
.listing-owner-contact a.button {
Is there a setting so that I (Admin) will receive a copy of listing expiration email sent to client?
thanks Diana
Hi Zsuzsa,
thanks for using the forum. this is the place we can discuss and see what we can fix and/or improve.
i'll try to split to sections so we can handle each part as diff issue.
I have just referred it to dev team as it is better to be done via hooks/filters.
- Jomark
Now, I understand. I will test it further then refer it to the dev team. I will also be checking with other users to see how common it is. There is a possibility that it could be an Google map API...
Yes, it is. Let me check first the "includes/listing-contact-owner.php" where the contact owner function is located. I will let you know then.
- JOmark
There is no option for it yet but you can use a plugin like this to send mass emails to users or group of users.
- Jomark
I have received your PM and currently checking your site. I will update this thread accordingly with my findings.
- Jomark
You can check this page on how to use custom markers/pins.
- JOmark
Get CSS - get add this css in custom.css
.listings-map-wrapper, #listings-map-wrap{display: none !important;}
The dev team replied that they are currently checking it as the pending order deleted with listing should send trigger to paypal. This has been reported before and my previous reply was for a...
It was a different thread but as the devs mentioned when you do a search by only "Near" location ("Find" is empty), the result defaults to "Closest" automatically. The given result would display...