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Thread: Can users purchase bid packs?

  1. #1
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    Guest Confused's Avatar

    Can users purchase bid packs?

    Hello all, I was wondering whether it is possible to have users buy bids in the jobroller theme to bid on jobs instead of users paying to submit jobs. Also, is there some sort of plugin that enables this? Thanks a lot. Looking to link it to once my site is up.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    This is not a functionality built into the theme and no specific plugins available in the AppThemes marketplace which would offer the functionality either at this time. It would essentially require customization of the default theme on your part if you were looking to implement it into JobRoller. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    So would it be possible to have a plugin developed that enables job packs. If I had such a plugin made, would I be able to license to you?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Technically it is possible to create any kind of modification or plugin if you wanted to. Licensing of such a plugin would be between you and whomever you hire to develop it for you, so I'm not sure what you mean by license to us? Please feel free to clarify. Thanks :)

  5. #5
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    License as in partnering with the Appthemes team to place the plugin for purchase onto the Appthemes site as an add-on.

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanks for the clarification. As per the AppThemes Marketplace FAQ:

    We are now accepting new sellers! If you have a WordPress plugin or child-theme you’d like to sell in our Marketplace, we’d love to hear from you. Send us an email (marketplace[at] with the name of your product, a short description of what it does, and a link to a demo (if you have one). Our team will review your submission and contact you soon thereafter.

  7. #7
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    Guest Confused's Avatar
    Thanks a ton. I will be sure to contact them.

  8. #8
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    Also, is there an option that allows only freelance jobs to be posted, as well as remove the comments and posts widgets?

  9. #9
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Confused View Post
    Thanks a ton. I will be sure to contact them.
    You're welcome :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Confused View Post
    Also, is there an option that allows only freelance jobs to be posted, as well as remove the comments and posts widgets?
    Job listings can either be posted manually to the site, or using a feed from Indeed or other feed plugin. If you want to make the site specifically for freelance job listings then you can certainly remove other job types from the JobRoller admin dashboard. Yes you can disable comments from the blog if you want to (via a setting), or even not use the blog post option if you prefer not to. These don't require specific customization of the theme, they can be set from within the admin. Thanks.

  10. #10
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    Thanks again for all your help. :)

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