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Thread: Claim and Reply to reviews question

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Claim and Reply to reviews question

    First of all my friend has version 1.1.1 installed and i was able to play around with it for a little. it suits my purpose except two things:

    i created a listing through admin, then login in with another user, pressed Claim Listing, in redirected my to no listing found(i know you fixed this already), i logged in as admin see Listing as pending - It keeps sending emails Listing Pending but does not approve it when i press Accept. (fixed)? thats one.
    next when i finnaly walked around that issue, author is still admin, and User who has claimed the listing cannot reply to review. now my questions is this fixed already? does the ownership of listing is changed autoatically to the user who claims it? in his version it doesnt even says who is claiming the listing. let me know please.
    oh, another thing, i need plans to have different options, plan 1 to be able to create listing or claim listing, plan 2 to be able to reply to reviews, and so on. how is this achievable?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Issues relating to claimed listings have been resolved in subsequent releases of Vantage (you can view in detail in the Vantage version history page). Ownership is not automatic, as the claims would still need to be accepted by the admin.

    As you will have been able to see in the plan settings screen of the Vantage admin dashboard, there are no specific options in the plan settings which would enable claim or review specific actions. This would require customization of the default theme on your part if you were looking to implement these into the exiting plan options. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    when the claim is accepted by admin is the ownership changes automatically to the person who claimed??

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, if approved. Thanks.

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