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Thread: dedicated WP install + multi registrations

  1. #1
    Forum Member davearthurs's Avatar
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    dedicated WP install + multi registrations

    From what I have read it may be best to install each AppTheme on a dedicated install of WP?

    If later Vantage or other themes were bought will this mean multiple registrations will be needed by users to use the Jobsboard(JobRoller) and a listing directory (Vantage)?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, each theme requires its own instance of WordPress to run, however you can make some modifications so that your installs share the same user database (requiring only one login).. You can find many articles if you do a Google search, here's an example of one of the many tutorials you can find..

  3. #3
    Forum Member davearthurs's Avatar
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    Thanks pepsi, I've just been reading up on Multisite in WP. Would that be the ideal way to go? So If I added Vantage later in another subfolder users would be able to login with same registration details as from JobRoller - or anything else I had installed in its own subfolder?

    BTW if I was testing JobRoller in a test multisite like would it switch ok to /jobs - or is that more of a multisite question?

    I notice JobRoller admin has a normal 'posts' section and a 'Jobs' section - would that mean it could be installed in the the root of a website and run a normal news blog as well as JobRoller and thus not need to be installed in a directory of its own /jobs
    or is it best to have JobRoller just for the jobs and have a different WP install for anything happening at the root like news blog, events listing, etc.,

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