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Thread: import subcategory / subcategories

  1. #1
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    import subcategory / subcategories


    I can see that Vantage can import categories but nothing for sub-categories. I have 5 categories and about 700 sub categories.

    Will I have to enter these subcategories manually or is there an easy way to import sub-categories.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You can create a csv file with listings assigned to categories that don't exist in the WordPress admin and Vantage will create them when you use the importing tool. You can also assign sub categories, but only if these sub categories already exist on the back end. Otherwise Vantage will treat them as parent categories (your subcats cannot have the same names either).
    Outside of the built in tool, it may require either another plugin (which we don't have recommendations for), or perhaps importing via the mysql admin. Thanks.

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