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Thread: Important questions before buying...

  1. #1
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    Guest Dave's Avatar

    Important questions before buying...


    I've went through about 20 pages of the pre-sales forums.
    It was helpful, but I still have questions.

    Here they are:

    1. Will there be the option to paste html code (example: video embeds, document downloads) in a form when someone does a listing? If yes, can that be turned on or off, (by a checkbox) so that the user can pay for the option?

    2. Can we control the number of images a user can upload, based on packages. Ex: Default is 3 pictures, and the user can pay an additional 2 dollars for more images.

    3. Can the slider images be resized without custom coding? If not, is it simple a css tweak.

    4. Can the user pay to have their ad "Bumped up" to the top of the page?

    5. Is this theme compatible in Chrome and Safari?

    6. When a user pauses their ad, will it still be visible to everyone, or only the user when they login in? I want the user to be able to re-activate their ads when needed (ex: an apartment rents, then it becomes vacant, they can relist with by "unpausing " their ad instead of having to enter in the info again.

    7. Can I add an intro page to the theme?

    8. Are there any file formats not accepted?

    9. Will we be notified by email when a user does a listing? If not, is there info on how to do it in the post sales forum?

    10. Can we search a listing by an ID number, and not just keywords?

    11. Would it be hard to integrate another vendors API into the theme? I know this is a harder one to answer, because it's dependent on the other vendor.

    12. Do you know of any plugins that can pull in Mls listings?

    I think that's it.. Sorry for all the questions, but we launched a company, and the theme is just not working out. So we've learned some things the hard way. It seems that your offers alot of community support, which is very appealing to me.

    I look forward to your response.


  2. #2
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    Guest Dave's Avatar
    I forgot one last question.

    Can you hide the wp-admin url/screen from the general public? Or do you know if someone in the forums has done this already and it's documented?

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. Yes, there is an "Allow HTML" option which you can turn on or off, however this is an overall setting (not ad specific), so for it to function any other way would involve custom coding.

    2. Not at this time, no.

    3. You can't resize these from within the ClassiPress admin dashboard, however you can change the size fairly easily.. in fact other members of the community have shared their tutorials for this within our forums.

    4. Users can pay for a featured ad which displays their ad within the top featured ads slider, but this does not change the order in which it appears on the page.

    5. Yes, you can test this out for yourself by viewing the ClassiPress demo from within those browsers if you wish.

    6. If an ad is paused, it is no longer visible on the listings, however the user will see the ad from within their user dashboard and could relist the ad based on your settings (i.e. pay again to relist).

    7. Yes, there is no reason why you can't achieve this through customization.

    8. I assume you mean for uploading images? This allows for most standard image formats, but if you're talking movie files, or documents, then is not set up to accept those, although you can customize if you wish.

    9. Yes, the admin can receive notification of any new ads if you have this setting set to yes.

    10. If the ID number was part of the listing, then yes you could potentially search by this number.

    11. This would really be up to you to do something like this, so it really depends on your level of coding knowledge.

    12. I don't personally know of any, no.

    13. The ClassiPress admin settings allow you to hide the wp-admin based on your settings, so yes you could have this set to "admin only" as this is the recommended option anyway. As for the URL itself, I don't recall seeing any threads on this topic, but it's surely something that can be achieve. I imagine you could find help for this on the WordPress codex site?

    Ultimately the theme is very customizable, and you're only restricted by your own coding if you're quite advanced, it should be no issue ;) We also have a certified partners page for anyone who is looking to hire a developer to perhaps implement features that aren't included..

    Also, if it helps to know - ClassiPress is going to be even better with the upcoming release (version 3.1), as there will be even more features available that aren't there at the moment.

  4. #4
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks for the prompt response.

    For #13, I know of a wp-plugin called Stealth login, but it didn't integrate well with my current theme. Would it be possible to do a quick test of this?

    For #4, would one of the certified partners be able to code in the option of "bumping up" an ad to the top of the page for a fee?

    Also, would a coder be able to make it possible to highlight an ad for a small fee to the user as well?

    We're really looking for a platform that is scalable, and can grow when we do.
    I'm pretty excited about this theme, we just need to have all our ducks in a row.

  5. #5
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    I was also looking at the possibility of bumping ads but the biggest problem I am having is figuring out the exact programming specifications. It could be possible to do this by making a post Sticky until a expiration date or giving the post a date timestamp that expires sometime in the future but what happens after that. Does it go back to where it should have been as if it wasn't a Sticky Post? What happens if multiple users pay for bump? What sequence? What happens if a post is bumped out of the top page by other posts? If there is a limit, then the feature has to be grayed out until the bumped post expires. So there are many conditions that have to be considered and the complexity of the coding will depend upon the complexity of the specs.

    I imagine the whole thing can be controlled manually but that might become a headache.


  6. #6
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    Guest Dave's Avatar
    Yeah, I've actually been doing it manually through another theme right now. I have to go in, and change the date of the listing, to feature as a "new" listing again. It's really tedious, especially when you start going up in listings.

    Even just the option to highlight an ad, or may it "urgent" would be great. A good example of this is kijiji..
    I wonder what they are using? I know it's php..

  7. #7
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Thanks for the prompt response.

    For #13, I know of a wp-plugin called Stealth login, but it didn't integrate well with my current theme. Would it be possible to do a quick test of this?

    For #4, would one of the certified partners be able to code in the option of "bumping up" an ad to the top of the page for a fee?

    Also, would a coder be able to make it possible to highlight an ad for a small fee to the user as well?

    We're really looking for a platform that is scalable, and can grow when we do.
    I'm pretty excited about this theme, we just need to have all our ducks in a row.
    I haven't heard of anyone using the stealth login plugin, but according to the plugin page it has had more feedback that it's broken anyway, so I'm not hopeful it would work.

    I would say yes they should be able to, but you may wish to contact one of the partners listed and check with them what sort of price you'd be looking at. They should be able to quote of this kind of work. Yes they should also be able to highlight featured ads.. I believe there is a user shared tutorial on how to do this in the forums also.

  8. #8
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    Guest Dave's Avatar
    Would you know if there is a user shared tutorial on how to "bump" up the ad in the forums also? I can navigate my way through php if there is one.

  9. #9
    pepsi's Avatar
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    I don't recall seeing any specific tutorials on this, but I have seen someone mention they have achieved this through use of this plugin, but I believe they had to do some tweaking to get it to work? It's not a standard and tested plugin for ClassiPress as such, so this would be up to you if you wanted to use this.

  10. #10
    Junior Member dave's Avatar
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    Hey Pepsi,

    Sorry to post it here, but do you have the thread link to the above mentioned? (post#9)


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