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Thread: Theme modyfing (a little bit) ...

  1. #1
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    Theme modyfing (a little bit) ...

    Is it possible to make a modification of the *.php page that displays the search results, after the keyword has been searched out through a search box, so it can display banners with payed ads (images preuploaded to some folder on server) in between the search results (ads from the picked category in search engine) with a possibility of setting distance in between a baners in advance, for example: 2 ads - one banner with an ad - next 2 ads OR 5 ads - 1 or 2 banners - next 5 ads and so on ... It would be so usefull for putting payed ads (banners) in focus, while all other people can put theres free ads around.

    Also, the banners would have to be categorised, so that person that searched category of realestates gets his free ads wit houses, buildings and rest, but with some realestate agency payed banners inbetween the free ads.


    I am also sending an illustration of the process in attachment. Sorry for the foreign language being displayed on the page, I didn't found any other pages similar to the thing i needed to show to you.

    Here is the example image of how it should look like:

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Provided you have the coding knowledge to do so, then there isn't really any reason why you can't do this as the theme is not encrypted, and therefore wide open for you to customize as you wish. I am sure I have seen an example of the same thing where an ad banner appeared within the listings, however I'm sorry I can't remember the URL otherwise I would post it to show you. In their case it was showing on the home page though, so I'm not sure if they set it up to work within the search results.

  3. #3
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    But I have that problem of not knowing programming in such manner that I could on my own modify the theme, even as little as that ... So I am trying to find some tutorial of any kind to point me in that direction.

    I intend to buy the commercial licence soon for multiple sites, and I thought if I do so, is there a possibility of paying someone extra to do the mod. for me.

    After all it is a great theme (the best in my opinion on the market), and its ideal for the kind of business I intend to run...

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    At this time I know there aren't any existing tutorials for that specific customization, but there are certainly a number of coders for hire who advertise their services in our Theme services thread, so if you are buying a licence anyway you'll have access to this part of the forums if you want to pay extra for the mod. If you're wanting an idea beforehand, you could send a PM to one of our junior developers scarstens who also provides his services for this kind of thing..

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