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Thread: Variable Pricing Option

  1. #1
    Bill Miller
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    Guest Bill Miller's Avatar

    Variable Pricing Option

    The demo talks about Fixed pricing as one option. I am interested in variable pricing based upon size of the advertisement, in characters, or words. Is that an option?

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    No option on variable pricing based upon size of the advertisement, in characters, or words yet. The available pricing options are;

    - Fixed price per ad
    - Price per category
    - % of sellers ad price

    - membership price packs
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  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Additional Question re Variable Pricing

    Quote Originally Posted by jomarkosabel View Post
    No option on variable pricing based upon size of the advertisement, in characters, or words yet. The available pricing options are;

    - Fixed price per ad
    - Price per category
    - % of sellers ad price

    - membership price packs
    First, thanks for your quick reply.
    Second, in lieu of variable pricing, can you set up the ad so that it does not automatically post. What I am wondering is if I can have the ad have to be reviewed before it is posted. This would enable us to bill the customer via PayPal Invoicing manually and collect payment before we post. We could state that ads cost x dollars for the first 20 words and so much more per additional word. We would then reveiw the add and manually bill them.

    Is that a viable option with the product?



  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You can allow ad moderation for free ads, and by default, if a customer does not complete their PayPal transaction for paid ads, then their ad is also not published. If however an ad is paid for, it will publish immediately.

    The other payment option in ClassiPress is "Bank Transfer", which would allow you to handle payments manually (also means you have to manually approve all ads as well).. But this would allow you more control over variables you mention.

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