White Label Clarification

Originally Posted by
"Do you, or do you not offer an option to obtain a white label version of any of your themes?" No.
Our themes are not encrypted, so technically you could do this through customization on your part, we just don't offer customization services or the option by default. Thanks.
Greetings Pepsi,
Thank you for answering. I'm confused about the emails as other questions I submitted were answered very swiftly. Just not the ones regarding this. :-)
A clarification is in order. While you say that you do not offer any white label versions of your themes, you go on to say that although you do not offer any in-house customization services, this could be achieved through customization of the source code. Does that mean to imply that it is legall to do this, if we are able to accomplish this on our end through a third-party customization service such as those you recommend elsewhere on this site?
Thanks so much if you could clarify this point.
Cheers. - Frank