Ads confirmation email in English even though Translation (Paypal payment)
Ads confirmation email in English even though Translation (Paypal payment).
As you can see above, the email was sent to the user part in English and part in Portuguese!
I colored in red the translation errors.
Olá andrevgm,
Thank you for your recent submission! Your ad listing has been submitted and will not appear live on our site until you pay for it. Below you will find a summary of your ad listing on the Classi Petro website.
Detalhes do Anúncio
Título: asdfas
Categorias: Acessórios
Situação: pending
Please include the following details when sending the bank transfer. Once your transfer has been verified, we will then approve your ad listing.
Details for Payment
Transaction ID:
Reference #:
Total Amount:
Instruções para Depósito ou Transferência Bancária
Realizar Depósito ou Transferência Bancária para:
Em caso de dúvidas ou problemas, entre em contato conosco através do email: