Assistance with registration, placing add and buying membership
Hi guys.
Im having some trouble following the business process that I would expect as I test my new classipress site. 3 issues Im hoping you can advise on:
1. New visitor - first thing they will do is go ahead and click Post an Ad. When this happens they are taken to a logon screen, where, "hopefully" they will understand they need to use the little tiny "register" link if they dont have an account. So thats the first issue. Isnt there a nicer screen that has login and register forms next to each other?
2. Lets say they register, rather than taking them on into the ad placement process it forces them to go to their email (which i dont mind) to get their password, then when they enter the password it drops them to the account dashboard ratehr than continuing the add placement process. Can I resolve this and have them continue placing the add.
3. So then they go ahead and place an add now that they are registered (but dont yet have a membership package) they select the category, and, I assume, because they dont have a membership the form for the ad placement doesn't drop down, only a go button, at which point they are moved to the "membership is required" screen. On this screen they select a membership type, and hit next, checkout with paypal if required, and then they are presented with the "membership updated" screen with text "Your order has been completed and your membership status should now be active.", but they havent been been presented the form that is tied to the category so they STILL dont have an ad. Cant the ad form for the category be presented in this flow?
So now they can go to their dashboard and place an ad and it works through the process presenting the appropriate form and they can place their ad, but thats after the above 3 steps got in their way.
please feel free to register an account and try yourself -
Babysitting Service Nearby
I really cant launch my site with these sorts of issues
Keep in mind the model for my site is:
- registration required to post - obviously
- membership required to post
- ads are free / unlimited when valid membership is present
Also can you tell me how I can put a postcode / city / suburb search on the front page?

and thank you in advance for your assistance