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Thread: Classipress: Upgrading from 3.4.2 directly to 3.5.5 issues

  1. #1
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    Veteran bellboy's Avatar
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    Classipress: Upgrading from 3.4.2 directly to 3.5.5 issues

    I attempted upgrading my production site from Classipress 3.4.2 directly 3.5.5 and the site became completely screwed.
    Thankfully I took a backup (as always) just before attempting this upgrade and have since reverted to the preupgrade state.

    Is it not supported to upgrade from Classipress 3.4.2 -> 3.5.5 directly?

    I performed the below:

    1. Upgraded ACF plugin ->
    2. Upgraded Wordpress -> 4.5.2
    3. Upgraded Classipress 3.4.2 - >3.5.5

    Some issues I noticed right away before reverting to the preupgrade state:

    1. The Facebook like widget I had set to my own site's FB page reverted to the Appthemes FB page widget.

    2. Ad photos on the main page became huge and screwed with the spacing of the page completely.

    3. Buttons such as "Post Ad", "Manage Ads", "Edit Profile", "Go" (from the ad submit pages) remained in the 3.4.2 style (not flat) and screwy looking.

    4. The ad price tags on the main page were all shift far into the right side of the page.

    5. The title bar background color reverted to white/nothing after the upgrade when I had it set to black previously.

    On my test site had previously over many months upgraded Classipress 3.4.2 to versions released after it and then the other day to 3.5.5 and I do not see the issues I am experiencing in the above production site. Appreciate any feedback/advice. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Veteran bleem's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    dimitris likes this.

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