Language problem
Having problems translating into native language.
Just wrote my whole problem, but it didn't puplish as i pressed "Reply"
1. Started editing classipress-no-admin.
2. After translating som lines:
“File” => “Save as” to your desktop or a folder on your computer. This will output a .po and .mo file.
The .po file is your editable file which you can always load back up in poedit and update. The important file is the .mo file. Found the mo file: but no .po file.
You will also need to make a change to your WordPress wp-config.php file (located in your WP root directory) with the correct language codes like the example below. If you don’t have a WPLANG entry then create one. Did it, althoug the files is named
wp-config-sample (?) ---> define ('WPLANG', 'no_NO');
Assuming you’ve made all these changes, you should now be able to reload your WordPress theme and see it in your native language! No, i cant :/