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Thread: New user questions - Forms, Custom fields and ad display

  1. #1
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    Junior Member landog's Avatar
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    New user questions - Forms, Custom fields and ad display

    Ive been setting up / configuring my new site Babysitting Service Nearby

    and I have come across the following issues:

    I create custom fields, create a custom form and assign it to an ad category and:
    1. When I complete the fields (in this case check the check boxes) and then get to the final review screen, some of the custom fields that i checked on the previosu screen aren't flagged as checked
    2. Then when the add is published then some the the fields that were checked aren't displayed?

    Whats the issue I am having with custom fields committing and subsequently displaying?

    My other question is - in the event that I dont have pictures for my ads, can i remove the space assigned in the ad display to the picture thumbnail so that the ad displays better (uses the whole box), or alternatively display the users avatar where the ad would usually display images?

    At this point I cant see a reason to have pictures in my ads and i have disabled them in the classipress settings.

    Thanks in advance for your advice


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