No valid Pic: Error
a newbe user open a new ad, filled all required fieds and upload this pic (size=2062 kb)
max upload per pic is = 2048 kb
the regular erromassege she got was: IMG_0936.jpg is not a valid image type (.gif, .jpg, .png). Please go back and upload a different image.
the problem is, the user who told me that, had only one pic for her ad. so she decided to delete the pic an go further without a pic. but now way
) the uploadform (function) dont let the user delete this pic an go further with the ad without any pic.
try it by yourself
) oben a new ad. take a picture that has a bigger size al allowed. after teh erromessage try to delete the path in the upload form. there ist no chance to get out of this loop.