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Thread: Parent category editing

  1. #1
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    Senior Member citydealz's Avatar
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    Parent category editing

    1) I would like to increase the font size and bold all parent categories to make them stand out more and seperate from child.

    2) I would like to offset child categories and sub-child categories one or 2 more spaces.

    my posters are confused. is my site and the way I set up the categories is by: Parent=city name and child=category for product or service. The issue is for each city I have the exact same child categories.

    curent Appearance in drop down when posting and in search field:

    Toronto East ( Parent) Toronto West (Parent)
    Clothing (child) Clothing (child)

    I would like it to appear like this:

    Toronto East ( Parent) [B]Toronto West[/B] (Parent)
    -Clothing (child) -Clothing (child)

    I would much prefer having 2 drop downs for posting ads 1st drop down Parent cat (city) 2nd drop down child (category)

    I have searched through the postings in the forum and only found this option as a recommendation for classipress. So for now, I will work around this and came up with a quick and easy fix.

    I am not a developer so please be clear when providing info. This is an urgent matter so please help me as soon as possible

  2. #2
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