Paypal IPN integration problem
We've spent about a day trying to get PayPal IPN integration to work with Classipress, thinking we were doing something wrong, but I'm almost 100% sure there's something wrong with the Classipress IPN integration.
Simply, this is what happens
1) We send a purchase to our PayPal sandboxed account
2) We click on the link at the end of the buy process saying "click here to publish your ad"
3) nothing happens (browser shows a blank screen)
4) we put the cursor in the address bar (where you can see the transaction id and the post id in the querystring) and then we hit enter
5) hey-presto the ad is published.
6) But, the transaction list in our dashboard is always empty
7) Also in the PayPal account profile screens (IPN History), all the IPN notifications are shown as "retrying" and then after a while they change to "failed"
We've tried changing the IPN notification URL in PayPal to be https://{ourhostname} as we thought that might help. We've also changed it to a fully qualified IP address and path that our ISP said might work. The problem is that the IPN History in Paypal shows that the IPN notification is always just sent to the hostname of the site - it ignores the IPN URL setting in the Paypal account.
Does Classipress overwrite the IPN Notification URL in Paypal?
How come the link back from paypal to our site doesn't work until you click in the address bar and hit enter? That looks like a FORM POST / Querystring GET problem in the PHP to me?
Has anyone got a working Paypal IPN integration as I'm not convinced at the moment - surely it can't just rely on the user coming back to the site via a link - they might not click on that link even though they have paid

. I thought this was all supposed to happen automatically? Plus the link-back isn't very secure if that is the only way.
any ideas?