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Thread: Private comments on listings btw site admin and the ad poster??

  1. #1
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    Junior Member serkan's Avatar
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    Private comments on listings btw site admin and the ad poster??

    Hi All,

    I want to comment as the admin of the site on the listings that can be seen by the poster of the ad only once he/she logs into his/her account.

    To be more clear, once a user lists an ad on the site, I want to comment on this ad as the admin of the site and the only the ad poster would see my comment and leave a reply which will be private btw me and the ad poster on the specific ad listing page. In other words, I want to privately chat with the ad poster on the listing page with no one having access, posting comments, and seeing comments made btw me and the ad poster.

    Do you have any idea about how I can do that?

    Kind Regards.

  2. #2
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    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

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