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Thread: Upgrade and tranlation...

  1. #1
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    Member pipno's Avatar
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    Upgrade and tranlation...


    Have some questions regarding my upgrade to ClassiPress 3.1.7 and translating the theme to Norwegian:

    My website is:

    1) Where do I translate the text "Ad Categories" on my front page?
    2) Where do I translate the textbuttons "Just Listed", "Most Popular" and "Random" on my front page (under "Ad Categories")?
    3) Where do I translate the text "total views" and "today" on
    4) Where do I translate the text "Cost Per Listing", "Free listing unless featured" and "Select a Category" on
    5) When you choose category on questions 4 and hit "Go", you come to a form; where to change the English words here:
    "Category", "Image 1 and "" and the grey box "Featured listing" with English text?
    6) My top banner is 940x221 pixels as you see and centered. I want my banner to look like the banner on
    (covering the entire header and with no space between the "welcome bar" on top and "category bar" under). How to get this?

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

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