User time regisrtation timezone incorret
I'm having an issue with the time with the user login since and last login 3.1.4 and 3.15, it doesn't return the correct timezone. My time zone is set correctly in the general settings of wordpress and my ini php. The posting of ads, the time is correct. I tried to test and see with the following codes to see what it returns and the time is still +4. The host has also made some test and the time zone is correct on their side.
Existing code :
<?php echo appthemes_get_reg_date($userdata->user_registered); ?>
Test code :
<?php echo date_i18n( get_option('date_format').' '.get_option('time_format'),strtotime($userdata->user_registered), get_option('gmt_offset') ); ?>
I've check in the database user_registered datetime is not showing the time zone setting.
I notice that that wp_post I can see that there is post_date and a post_date_gmt which show the correct time. Should there also have a (datetime_gmt ) in the user table when a member register to correct the time offset?
Or maybe the login plugin is the problem, i really don't know. I have spent a lot of time on that trying to find a solution please help. I have a pro version of the app.
Would greatly appreciate in solving this issue