Uuhaaaahr after updating 3.14
thought was the right way to wait with update 3.05 to 3.1
after tutorial integration goes well an then pops up some small BUT some important bug
1. no childcategories where shown in "add-new" and no buttons for the next step.
for testing: user:bugtest pass:bugtest
so no one at this moment can post a new ad !!!!!!! Thanx alot

2. and then you logged in please go to "profle" ...
you get this error message in the textfield "about me":
<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function esc_textarea() in <b>/daten/web/web26/html/hansepetze/
wp-content/themes/classipress-314/tpl-profile.php</b> on line <b>204</b><br />
for point 1 i need a urgent tip or solution !!!!
p.s. i disabled most of all plugins without the nessesary for cp