I am not happy with Job Roller
I have upgraded my job roller to 1.5.3 and is a mess....even with 1.4.2 it was a disaster..
1) there are places in the code where the sql's use wp_ instead of $wpdb=>prefix.....
2) There are about 24 files that needs to be moved to child theme if you have to make very very small changes..
3) Every posted job becomes immediately expired and goes into PRIVATE mode and never appears on the site
4) I have about 200+ jr_expired_check_jobs in my crons list
5) I get 'Your job expired" email every minute..multiple times..
6) I get fatal errors on the site using this version of theme though i have 96MB of the memory limit on my server..
7) resume registration or browse resumes do not work anymore..
8) All I see is sponsored listings from Indeed..and do not know if they bring me any money or to the appthemes.
9) you cannot post via email
10) don't know if this theme is towards the benefit as a job board or a mask of indeed itself making money to the creators...
A long list to go...
I spent lot of money on this, set-up, hosting but got nothing so far...
What should I do???...