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Thread: Major Problems with copy and paste on Job roller Resumes

  1. #1
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    Member woreillyjr's Avatar
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    Unhappy Major Problems with copy and paste on Job roller Resumes

    Major Problems with copy and paste on Job roller 1.5.3 Resumes this really needs to be fixed asap formatting is terrible and job seeker are now not posting anything because it is coming out very UN-professional I think a solution would be to remove the ability for job seekers to customize and set the fields in a fix position that will cause the end results to show the same way also get away from using word press core components because copy and paste is a big problem it is coming out with many different variables that don't look good and is very frustrating to job seekers and employers who have to read the resume.

    Anyone else having this problem please post so something can get done ASAP this is not good for business.

    This issue has been brought up before and still nothing has been done....

    Developer if you want and example do a couple test resumes and see what happens copy and paste and you will see many different variables appear when you save. NOT GOOD !

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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