Indeed Integration Issues
Hello folks!
I'm playing around with my first Jobroller site and I seem to have run into a snag. I've setup roughly 700 queries to retrieve jobs from Indeed (this is a healthcare job site, so lots of different specialties/disciplines, plus each one has fulltime, parttime, etc). The problem I'm running into is that the site does not seem to retrieve jobs unless I visit the site. Since the site is still in development and not public, that's a problem because I would like to pre-populate the site before launch and obviously there are no visitors to trigger job retrievals except for me. I tried adding a meta refresh in the header to refresh the site every 5 mins or so, which does seem to force new job retrievals but I seem to have stalled after 7 or 8 categories (still have 100+ to go

). Am I getting locked out? Is there a way to forcibly populate a site with a large number of queries in a relatively short amount of time? I don't want the site to seem "empty" so I'd like to at least get a few jobs pulled for each category. I'm wondering if maybe I have too many queries and that it's not going through each one, but rather doing however many it can handle in X amount of time before going back to the beginning to check for new posts in those, rather than going through the entire list sequentially before starting over.
I'm pretty sure all of my queries are setup correctly, so I don't think they are the issue. Here's an example of what I'm using:
Nurse and Acute|20|florida|fulltime|acute
Another issue I'm having is that sometimes it retrieves jobs that don't correspond to any category. My understanding is that even if the category doesn't exist, it will create it automatically (at least that seemed to be the case when I first started playing around with the site). But now it doesn't post some jobs to their corresponding category (which I've already created) and barring that, it seems like it should make a new one if somehow the query and category didn't match up, but it doesn't do that either. See screenshot:
FireShot Pro capture #017 - 'Jobs ‹ — WordPress' - jobs_glenmcwhorter_com_wp-admin_edit_php_post.jpg (Or click here for full size image: )
I'm really excited about this theme, but kinda stuck at this point. If anyone has any tips to offer, I would really appreciate it, thank you!
P.S. I'm using the latest version of Jobroller, and the only modification I've made is changing co to l so I can pull jobs by state, city or zip.