How do you, ah, actually get a Child Theme to work?
I previously built a ClassiPress site without an operating Child Theme (there is one there but I don't think that it works). That site is still 'stuck' on v. (I think that's it) as a result.
Similarly, my Vantage child does not seem to be doing anything. I followed the tutorial (it does need some more info) but it is not attached to anything.
Here are the specifics:
1 - It is located at /public_html/greene/
wp-content/themes/vantage-child in my themes file.
2 - vantage-child is the file name (of course - from above)
3 - The style.css header is as follows:
Theme Name: My Vantage Child Theme
Version: 1.1.1
Description: Vantage Greene child theme.
Author: Jon Hall
Author URL:
Template: vantage
@import url("../vantage/style.css");
@import url("../vantage/style/green.css");
4 - I am very unclear as to how to have php files work at all other than to put the sections that are modified into individual files of the same name that are copied from the main, vantage theme. This is not covered in the tutorial at all.
I do know HTML, simple to moderate (sorta) graphic design, mostly get .css, and can handle php mods with specific instructions made (no, I don't know the php language). I should be able to handle this, I think but, alas, something is missing. If it is not all me, it would sure be useful to add to the tutorial as this is a very important concept to understand and to be able to implement if you are doing much more than changing a color or two and even then having it here and working would be nice!).