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Thread: Second hand airsoft trading site

  1. #21
    Senior Member g2eat's Avatar
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    Hi again

    Thanks for that information I had another question I was wondering about,
    when you launched your site did how did you start, did you add any dummy ads or did you leave it empty how did you get members using it i know mos site if they are empty people tend to avoid them, how did you get past this issues ?

  2. #22
    Marketplace Seller dalemiles's Avatar
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    I only had 1 add in there when I launched and that was a 'test / example ad'.

    I launched through the support of a Facebook group (where I was talking with users about what they would want in a trading platform).

    So I had members of the group support me by adding their ads to the site, within a couple of days I had my first 30 ads. From that it grew.

  3. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to dalemiles For This Useful Post:

    dannybnc (March 9th, 2017), g2eat (December 23rd, 2016), june172014 (April 16th, 2017)

  4. #23
    Senior Member g2eat's Avatar
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    Thanks, I was wondering if it would be possible to add bbp-messages to the side bar instead of frontend pm ??

    I asked the dev of frontend pm for bbpress support, he's replied once and nothing since.

  5. #24
    Senior Member g2eat's Avatar
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    Ignore my last message,Im going to try and see if i can get front end pm to work with bbpress hopefully i can find something online.
    dalemiles likes this.

  6. #25
    Veteran helmuc's Avatar
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    how did the reddit test go?

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  7. #26
    Expired Customer dannybnc's Avatar
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    I saved your URL from another post about Social Pug. I am having the problem that my logo is being shared instead of the item image, on Facebook. I did turn off meta tags in the plugin. Why is this happening? my site is Your entire site is fabulous. I am studying everyones Q&As. Thanks for the help! Linda

  8. #27
    Expired Customer dannybnc's Avatar
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    Also how did you add a chat room? That sounds like it could really be a good thing for my type of site! Again, awesome site!- L

  9. #28
    Marketplace Seller dalemiles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannybnc View Post
    I saved your URL from another post about Social Pug. I am having the problem that my logo is being shared instead of the item image, on Facebook. I did turn off meta tags in the plugin. Why is this happening? my site is Your entire site is fabulous. I am studying everyones Q&As. Thanks for the help! Linda
    Hey Linda,

    The logo being shared was actually due to a setting in the service I was using which automatically pulls the posts from my RSS feed. I switched a few settings in there and I've not had any problems since.
    I can't really help with the social pug plugin, probably best to speak to them.

    With regards to the chatroom I used but stopped using it because there was mobile compatibility issues.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to dalemiles For This Useful Post:

    june172014 (April 16th, 2017)

  11. #29
    fuzzyfox's Avatar
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    Love your site Dale.
    just wondering, have you re-implemented this since the posting a few years ago?
    I am pretty keen to add a PM type functionality to my website instead of the standard contact form.

    Quote Originally Posted by dalemiles View Post
    Hey, g2eat.

    Thanks, it was a full custom job, used ClassiPress as the base, then just built a child theme from scratch.
    Spent probably around 3 months on it on and off in the evenings, with probably a month or so of that time not doing anything overall.

    Hadn't planned on selling it no, as its quite bespoke to my site. Yes there are elements I guess where could be make into a custom theme, but to be honest I think the marketplace is a little dead and not worth the effort to turning it into a general theme for everyone.

    This is one of the reasons I've not pursued a private messaging system plugin I was going to make with FEP as the base (had an agreement with the owner). I don't think there is enough customes in the marketplace to make it worth while.

    Ok, so I've not got time to write up the tutorial, but here is MY custom code to use FEP with ClassiPress (my actual version of the plugin has more customisation completed but this will get you started).
    This works with Front End PM v4.6.

    In your functions.php file you need to add this block of code:

    PHP Code:

    //---------------------------------- PRIVATE MESSAGE SYSTEM FORM --------------------------------------
      function new_message_fep_shortcode($atts){
         global $user_ID, $post, $wp;
         $token = fep_create_nonce('fep_message');
         $to_id = $post->post_author;
         $to = get_the_author_meta('user_login', $to_id);
         $current_url = home_url(add_query_arg(array(),$wp->request));
         <form class="form_contact" action="<?php echo esc_urlhome_url'messages/?fepaction=newmessage' ) ) ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
              <input type="hidden" id="fep-message-top" name="message_top" autocomplete="off" value="<?php echo get_the_author_meta('display_name'$to_id); ?>">
              <input type="hidden" id="fep-message-to" name="message_to" autocomplete="off" value="<?php echo $to?>">
                   <label>Subject</label><br />
                   <input type="text" id="enq" name="message_title" placeholder="Subject" maxlength="65" value="" class="text">
                   <div class="clr"></div>
                <label>Message</label><br />
                <textarea id="enq" name="message_content" class="text"></textarea>
            <input type='hidden' name='message_from' value='<?php echo $user_ID?>' />
            <input type='hidden' name='parent_id' value='<?php echo $parent_id?>' />
            <input type='hidden' name='token' value='<?php echo $token?>' /><br/>
            <input type='hidden' name='redirect' value='<?php echo $current_url?>' /><div class="clr"></div>
            <button type="submit" class="fep-button btn_orange" name="fep_action" value="newmessage">Send Message</button>

    .= ob_get_contents();
    add_shortcode'new_message_fep''new_message_fep_shortcode' );
    In the code above for this section: <?php echo esc_url( home_url( 'messages/?fepaction=newmessage' ) ) ?>
    You need to replace 'messages' with the name of your page with the FEP shortcode on.
    eg would mean the above code would be <?php echo esc_url( home_url( 'private-messages/?fepaction=newmessage' ) ) ?>

    Then you need to open the sidebar-contact.php file which iirc is in your classipress/includes folder. (I've done things differently on my theme).
    You will need to remove the code for the contact form and replace it with: <?php do_shortcode("[new_message_fep]"); ?>

    I think that's everything off the top of my head.

  12. #30
    Marketplace Seller dalemiles's Avatar
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    I don't frequent these boards anymore. I'm currently in the process of upgrading the site to a new theme (which has a lot of the custom functionality I built, already included). Once I've finished this locally, I'll be replacing my site.

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