Site layout done, on to back-end
I moved this to a VPS. I still have a lot to do on the back end and need to set up W3 Total Cache for VPS specific install. A lot more to get an "A" rating at GTMetrix.
I'm considering hiring someone to complete the rest of the back-end and few content tweaks as I need to start listing my own personal inventory.
I don't have the energy to code for IE, so best the FF or Chrome etc.
Try it on your mobile.
WP Touch doesn't pull price, contact info, etc. but good for browsing I think (need to have featured image auto-set)
add icons to categories (*maybe)
Tweak back end for speed (HTACCESS; combine style sheets, etc. etc.)
configure custom fields for vinyl, etc. Goldmine grading
do more faqs
figure out why header ad won't display
category message (don't change if ad filled out - if a user tries to edit their title during listing, entries are erased)
coding/back-end (many from SM Plus Modlite):
feedback displayed on user's home page; currently php pulls from post author so I need to tweak this to display on user's page...based on current login info?
reverse order of fields for ad (left justify ad specific data - easier to scan listing details)
Welcome/logon sidebar w/ simple search
Field descriptions
enhanced Poster info (other listings)
enhanced dashboard
members currently online (simple) or user browsing by Category
auto-set featured image: get images pulled out for WP touch
tally system for feedback
force no spaces in user name
Last edited by jomarkosabel; March 8th, 2011 at 09:24 AM.