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If you have registered a new domain you can map it to the same folder as your current classipress installation. Then you should be able to reach your site under both domains. Then change the domain name in the wordpress settings of the backend. Then look for the plugin called "search & replace". If you install it you can search your database for any instances of the old domian and replace them with the new domain name (be careful though, it makes the changes directly to the database). If everything is working fine with the new domain you could delete the old domain name.
I need to do something similar to the original poster, and want to make sure I understand these directions.
So I rebuilt my classifieds site using Classipress, while keeping my current classifieds site live. The old site is at extendedtrot.com and I built the new site at extendedtrot.net.
I am ready now to shut down the old site, and have my "real" url, extendedtrot.com point to the new site that is living at extendedtrot.net. I know I could just forward the domain, but I don't think that will really give me everything I want. I want the real URL to be the .com
When you say "map it to the same folder as your current classipress installation" are you talking about forwarding or something else? After all this work I don't want to mess anything up!