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Thread: Fit all your needs with ClassiPress

  1. #1141
    Marketplace Seller mr_green's Avatar
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    been waiting for a grid view childthemes, anyway I would love to see a little description instead of just a product title at the main page
    as the Creator of Grid mod + Switcher to listing view
    I tell you that possible to have a description display on each one. GRID and LISTING

    I answered you here**new-ch...-7/#post189239

    please have a look here and see how is it possible

    if you want to know how to do this, already in the forum just read this thread

    of course the file to edit is loop-ad_listing.php

    have a nice customizing & happy coding

    mr green

  2. #1142
    rubencio's Avatar
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    For a short description on the ads you should see the list view. It doesn't make any sense if you have the same elements in both cases (grid & list)
    … it is a LIST/GRID view childtheme. Have you noted this?


    Quote Originally Posted by megasale View Post
    been waiting for a grid view childthemes, anyway I would love to see a little description instead of just a product title at the main page

    r u b e n c i o . c o m

    Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
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  3. #1143
    rubencio's Avatar
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    Development have already started.
    Hope you enjoy it!

    Refresh your browser regularly to see the changes made since this is a production site

    See demo here


    r u b e n c i o . c o m

    Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
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  4. #1144
    Senior Member krreddy's Avatar
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    I am interested if you have service in india please let me know

    Quote Originally Posted by rubencio View Post
    A new plugin it is coming in order to make the payments via SMS or PHONE CALLS... at this moment only for Europe but in case some other people are interested we can try some APIs for some other countries.


  5. #1145
    rubencio's Avatar
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    Hi folks,

    Have you checked the new childtheme we are working on?
    Still under development --> See demo here

    We'll be releasing it the next 2012/10/10 at $120 price due to its exclusivity and complexity... 25 licenses only !!!!
    Well, if you are loving it you should think about purchasing it before the release day with a 25% discount… this means you'll save $30.

    Check some features or BUY IT HERE NOW -->


    r u b e n c i o . c o m

    Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
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  6. #1146
    Veteran websitu's Avatar
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    I would have definitely been in the market for this one along with the Vantage one but just viewed it at various screen res and its just way to big. Even viewing at 1920 its big compared to other designs but at 1024 it just swamps the screen

    I know that this is a res that is disappearing but its still there and being used and resolutions above are not that much bigger. Also getting a really bad experience from the fonts - all blurry and very nearly unreadable.

    I am a huge fan of your work and this is in no way trying to be critical negatively because the theme is absolutely beautiful in every way its just scaled up to big - I thought it best to post than walk past it because perhaps I am missing something. Is this me seeing this the wrong way

    Screen shot 2012-10-05 at 09.03.20.jpg
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  7. The Following User Says Thank You to websitu For This Useful Post:

    rubencio (October 6th, 2012)

  8. #1147
    rubencio's Avatar
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    Hey websitu,

    I've always thank everybody because of their words, advices, complaints,,, so yours are welcome words too

    Yes, I know what you mean but we can not develop childthemes just for old screens… we must move further and start making also developments for new ones. I mean if a client needs an smaller sized look and feel he/she should buy another childtheme from us... so for clients interested in big screens now they have support form us too. The idea behind this it is having an item to almost every possible client.

    (about the fonts) The site it is not finished yet (we are still so far to have it done)… so the categories dropdown at menu will be never like the one you include in the screensot but like the one I've attached… So basically we are still working on the childtheme and will take a couple of days to have it ready and start testing all the features included and maybe bugs.

    Again: Thanks a lot for your words!

    Best regards,

    Quote Originally Posted by websitu View Post
    I would have definitely been in the market for this one along with the Vantage one but just viewed it at various screen res and its just way to big. Even viewing at 1920 its big compared to other designs but at 1024 it just swamps the screen

    I know that this is a res that is disappearing but its still there and being used and resolutions above are not that much bigger. Also getting a really bad experience from the fonts - all blurry and very nearly unreadable.

    I am a huge fan of your work and this is in no way trying to be critical negatively because the theme is absolutely beautiful in every way its just scaled up to big - I thought it best to post than walk past it because perhaps I am missing something. Is this me seeing this the wrong way
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    r u b e n c i o . c o m

    Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
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  9. #1148
    Expired Customer johno69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rubencio View Post
    Yes, I know what you mean but we can not develop childthemes just for old screens… we must move further and start making also developments for new ones. I mean if a client needs an smaller sized look and feel he/she should buy another childtheme from us... so for clients interested in big screens now they have support form us too. The idea behind this it is having an item to almost every possible client.
    Saying you have other themes for older screens is not the ideal response. We can't change theme depending on what user is visiting.

    But there is a better way.
    Did this post help you? Click Thanks | Did it help you lots? Then the next time you see someone in need give them $5 for me.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to johno69 For This Useful Post:

    rubencio (October 6th, 2012)

  11. #1149
    rubencio's Avatar
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    So trying to please all clients it is "not the ideal response"… hehehe, you must be right
    Yes, making ClassiPress responsive should do the work, however at this stage it is better to wait for AppThemes developers. Anyway this is something we've planned to release as a future childtheme in case it is not covered by ClassiPress in the next updates… note it is a lot of work to do anyway.
    Best regards,

    Quote Originally Posted by johno69 View Post
    Saying you have other themes for older screens is not the ideal response. We can't change theme depending on what user is visiting.

    But there is a better way.

    r u b e n c i o . c o m

    Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
    Plugins and the best childthemes...

  12. #1150
    Expired Customer johno69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rubencio View Post
    So trying to please all clients it is "not the ideal response"… hehehe, you must be right
    You are reading my words out of context. It's not like you are creating the theme in 6 different colours to please every site owners taste. This is about usability. If a site is not usable due to the template, saying that you offer another one for smaller (or older) screens is not really going to help, because we don't build websites for only the site owner to view.

    I can't wait for AppThemes to make these themes responsive. These themes really are buggy so I'm not convinced they would actually have the skills to do so. Even though there's really not all that much to it.

    So it would be great to see you making your child themes responsive if you can rather than make multiple different sizes.

    I really like your design work and the themes look great. I just thought your way of handling the sizes was going the way that AppThemes do themselves. And that is not a good thing.

    The amount of work you put into the child themes, responsiveness could at least be looked at.
    Did this post help you? Click Thanks | Did it help you lots? Then the next time you see someone in need give them $5 for me.

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