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Thread: JobsApp: A New Premium Jobroller Child Theme

  1. #41
    spartac's Avatar
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    @jlei523 , believe that we try out best to release the second theme and more themes very soon (many ones are planned already). so like this you be always waiting for the last one althought that the last one is just diffirent doesnt make it better or worse
    Anyway, I will send you screenshot tomorrow to see which one you should take, either you wait few days , or you get the first one ( JobsApp), and I really wish you take one of them in the end

    Thank You again for being interested and I hope you will like them both !
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  2. #42
    Senior Member stevenr999's Avatar
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    Hi Spartac

    Where can you buy your jobroller themes? Cant find prices for them anywhere?



  3. #43
    spartac's Avatar
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    Hi stevenr999
    Thanks for your question.
    I almost finished a marketplace in, that would include all the themes demos links and prices and mods and features of each of our themes and plugins.

    in the mean time, we can do it manualy , The prices and features of JobsApp are going to be published tonight ( tomorrow morning top).
    We delayd a bit in that because we were updating JobsApp into Jobroller 1.5.5

    if you want I can PM you the discounted prices, else, I will pm you ( anyway ) tomorrow when the site be updated.

    Thanks for passing by and I hope you would like one of our themes.

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  4. #44
    Senior Member stevenr999's Avatar
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    Hi Spartac

    yes please let me know the prices asap, i would like to get my site finished adap.

    Also is it possible to change a couple of things on it ie the radius drop down box needs to be changed so it only goes up to 100 miles and the submit a resume tab, can it be changed to submit a cv?


  5. #45
    spartac's Avatar
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    hi stevenr999,
    I will definitely if I dont finish the market place tomorrow morning, I will pm you the prices and options.
    About your questions,

    - It's possible to change the radius drop down menu ( it needs a little of mods but not big deal since it's possible, i think there is a tuto in the forum here but if you want, i can do it for you )
    -The menu made was for the demo only, client can get that image-based menu, as they can get the flexible version menu that works with wp custom menus, so you can change, edit,delete, change order , as you want .

    I hope this could answer your questions.
    I let pm you tomorrow morning ( it's 00:04) here

    Kind regards
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  6. #46
    evertsemeijn's Avatar
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    Hi Spartac,

    great work on the child theme! I noticed that it is using a lot of images. You may want to use more CSS and less images to reduce the 'weight' of the theme, improve load time etc. And since JobRoller is translated in multiple languages and the menu can be replaced from the backend with a custom menu I would advice you to not use images for the individual menu items. It will save you a lot of your time on customizations from your customers.

    Keep it up!
    We do more than JobRoller childthemes at

  7. #47
    spartac's Avatar
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    Thank You evertsemeijn for your words and for the comment.
    I agree with You, and I know how to css it, but sometimes I use shortcut to some effects that might need me lot of css classes to make it happen and in the end, a browser shows up ( like IE) appearing that effects wrongly, so all the design made be messed.

    Except the layout and the header backgrounds,nothing added as image. ( too bad some stuff be hard to manipulate, even with css, unless you will need dozen of classes, which means, more weight to the pages)

    About the menu, this version is only for the demo , the real theme is menu-flexible, they can manage it throught custom menus, ( add , delete,change order of the items as they want ), and most importantly, it uses the same effects, (thanks to css)

    the header content, the buttons, the menu ,widgets ,pages and thier content, all is flexible (just like the parent Jobroller) and all of the content can be translated or changed through admin or by setting the language pack up.

    Actually, I am web designer and css coder, but as I discovered during years of work on this field, that css was the best thing invented for the web pages, and the many browsers (diffirent browsers) made things seem bad. Like worshiping many gods, you have to " satisfy thier rules all, at same time ".

    Thank You alot for passing by
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  8. #48
    jlei523's Avatar
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    Can you give as a release date for jobapps? We still can't buy it. Also, can you post a couple of screenshots for your other theme? I'd like to see which one I like better before I choose.

  9. #49
    spartac's Avatar
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    @jlei523 : The market place is about being finished, we work on it right now at .it's done in lesss than 48 hours.
    We try first time to make it a small marketplace, yet including the important parts, such as features,demos, prices and options.
    The great news, we will release both themes together. I will update the thread and pm You.

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  10. #50
    iqwp's Avatar
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    Spartac, excellent design, cannot wait to see the final released product for JR.

    I hope you will be offering some amazing discount to your fans who are eagerly awaiting the release


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