Category Depth and search
I am using many listing categories and sub-categories. It looks confused, if I would show all at menu item.
With "Category Depth" I reduced the deep of one.
But if the users are selecting on of the sub-menu item, it will be shown all lists of this sub-menu.
It would be better, to display in top of the list the different menu items from the choosen sub-menu item.
For example:
Main menu item "Food and Drink" an sub-menu "Restaurants" (Categories Menu Item Options/Category Depth 1)
But it gives invisible sub-sub-menu: "Fast Food", "Chinese", "Indian" ...
The user selects "Restaurant". All Listings in "Resaturant" will be shown.
But only below the title of each lists he can see a small hint "Listed in Chinese".
Now he knows it gives more option to select the right restaurant.
Better would be, if the user could see after selecting the sub-menu item, that it gives some more selection options.
Is it possible to make settings for this?