Indeed query in theme_indeed.php
I'm looking to edit the indeed query and just put my query directly into the theme-indeed.php file. I'm a sys admin, but I'm def no programmer. Any help would be appreciated!
Here's the standard file variables:
$keyword = urlencode(strtolower(trim($query[0])));
$limit = $query[1];
$country = $query[2];
$job_type = $query[3];
$job_cat = $query[4];
Here's what I believe would be the correct spot to edit the actual indeed query:
$indeed_result = wp_remote_get(''.INDEED_VERSION.'&publisher='.trim($jr_indeed_publisher_id).'&sort='.INDEED_SORT.'&limit='.$limit.'&co='.$country.'&jt='.$job_type.'&q='.$keyword);
I was thinking that I could edit the keyword variable definition as it's the "q=" in the indeed include the indeed items I want, but it doesn't work. I found did an advanced search on indeed's site, and extracted the "q=" string, and put it for keyword, but it doesn't work"
For example:
$keyword = ('clinical%2C+-therapy%2C');
But no worky. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?