Fatal error message - deleting ad by user in 3.1.8.
hello support,
After upgrading to 3.1.8 i discovered in (tpl_dashboard.php) a bug. In 3.1.8. you (user) are able to delete an Ad. But, if you (user) do so you first get a message "are you sure you want to delete this Ad?" If you say 'Yes' you get an fatal error message!
Line 278 " <a onclick="return confirmBeforeDelete();" href="<?php echo CP_DASHBOARD_URL; ?>?aid=<?php the_id(); ?>&action=delete" title="<?php _e('Delete Ad', 'appthemes'); ?>"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/cross.png" title="<?php _e('Delete Ad', 'appthemes'); ?>" alt="<?php _e('Delete Ad', 'appthemes'); ?>" border="0" /></a> "
Kind regards,
Frank | Villadecker