database bugs
Knowing that apptheme support is... what it is... i'm counting on people who would have faced this issue.
I am having the following problems:
Hirebee project are manually validated.
If someone create a project, automatically, the count in the category and the subcategory will be 5. The project has not to be validated or even fully finished (i mean it's just a draft), the count starts automaticall at 5.
One the project is validated, the number of project is 5 +1.
So here's a explanation to make it clear:
Category = writing (0) - subcategory = copywriting (0) : meaning no project at all
Category = writing (5) - subcategory = copywriting (5) : meaning 1 member has created a project which has not been published yet OR 1 member has just added details about his project, clicked on continue then he quits (it's a draft)
Category = writing (6) - subcategory = copywriting (6) : meaning that the project has been validated and published.
So basically, all the counts start at 5 instead of 0.
Here is what i found on another forum ( The count is in the following database: wp_term_taxonomy
Obviously, that's a huge problem. Let's say that i want to hide empty categories, then even if there's no project but there's a draft, automatically, the count will start and the category will appear whereas there's nothing to show.