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Thread: Locked out with maintenance mode

  1. #1
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    manamaga's Avatar
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    Locked out with maintenance mode

    I know this is not really CP related but I thought maybe someone has had the same issue. I have tried two different maintenance mode plugins now and each of them has locked me out of wp-admin when I activate them, and I have had to de-activate the plugin through phpMyAdmin. I am running the latest CP and WP versions.

    Has anyone ever come across this before please?

  2. #2
    rubencio's Avatar
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    Why don't simply delete the plugin on your "plugins" folder via FTP, or even better simply rename the folder containing it?
    Best regards.

    Quote Originally Posted by manamaga View Post
    I know this is not really CP related but I thought maybe someone has had the same issue. I have tried two different maintenance mode plugins now and each of them has locked me out of wp-admin when I activate them, and I have had to de-activate the plugin through phpMyAdmin. I am running the latest CP and WP versions.

    Has anyone ever come across this before please?

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  3. #3
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    Thats one option to get rid of the 'lockout', but I was wanting to leave the website in maintenance mode until complete, but still have access to the wp-admin login page so I can login. This works on my other website which is running WP 3.4.2 but not on my new WP website 3.5

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