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ClassiPress Custom Development - Sethmatics WebDev
1. "seemlessly" not really, I would suggest 3 domains. A primary domain (portal) and 2 subdomains (classifieds.domain.com and coupons.domain.com). These are themes, not plugins, therefor you can only activate one per site.
2. Yes and No, it has the limitation that it doesn't build subdomains for you per city, so it doesn't work just craigslist. If you setup your categories into cities, and then created subcategories for the item type in each city, the setup would take a while to build but you could nearly accomplish the same end result.
3. See number 2. I wouldn't suggest setting up categories for countries instead... would have to brainstorm on this.
4. yes, and yes.
5. Yes, AppThemes products are all "multilingual". Would have to check for language files on each theme to make sure spanish is in there, otherwise you would have to invest in getting that.
6. I assume so, if not its definitely something we can build.
7. See number 2
8. See website link.